The databases are listed as specialized in Islamic studies and multidisciplinary that index some relevant sources.
Al Manhal eBooks المنهل (كتب)This link opens in a new windowAl Manhal is a leading database that provides a unique opportunity to all QNL users to access Arabic ebooks, full text of peer-reviewed eJournals, and thousands of full-text dissertations & theses from the Arab world's leading universities, research centers
Al Manhal Journals المنهل (دوريات)This link opens in a new windowAl Manhal is a leading database that provides a unique opportunity to all QNL users to access Arabic ebooks, full text of peer-reviewed eJournals, and thousands of full-text dissertations & theses from the Arab world's leading universities and research centers.
Elgar Online eBooksThis link opens in a new windowThis online database offers full-text access to over 2,000 eBook titles covering law, economics, Islamic finance, business studies, public and social policy, energy policy and the environment. It includes reference books.
Index IslamicusThis link opens in a new windowThis is an abstract and index database that covers literature on Islam. It includes more than 415,000 records. The materials cited in the index include books, journals, conference proceedings, monographs, and book reviews.
Islam in the Modern World 1804-1918This link opens in a new windowIslam in the Modern World, 1804-1918 addresses the beliefs, practices, theology, spirituality, and history of Islam. Content includes biographies of the Prophet Muhammad, works comparing Christianity and Islam, key theological and philosophical texts (including the Quran), relevant mystical and spiritual works, and texts surveying the history of Islam.
Literature of Al-Andalus, TheThis link opens in a new windowThe Literature of Al-Andalus is an exploration of the culture of Iberia, present-day Spain and Portugal, during the period when it was an Islamic, mostly Arabic-speaking territory, from the eighth to the thirteenth century, and in the centuries following the Christian conquest when Arabic continued to be widely used.
Middle East & Africa DatabaseThis link opens in a new windowThis database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Middle Eastern and African countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
Middle East and Islamic Studies eBooksThis link opens in a new windowMiddle East and Islamic Studies eBooks from Brill is a collection of over 150 English eBooks in the areas of Middle East and Islamic Studies.
New Cambridge History of Islam, TheThis link opens in a new windowThe New Cambridge History of Islam offers a comprehensive history of Islamic civilization, tracing its development from its beginnings in seventh-century Arabia to its wide and varied presence in the globalized world of today and focusing on the cultural, social and religious diversity of the peoples of the Muslim world.
Oxford Bibliographies: Islamic StudiesThis link opens in a new windowOxford Bibliographies: Islamic Studies is an authoritative research guide with annotated bibliography and high-end encyclopedia that covers a wide variety of subjects in Islamic Studies.
Religion DatabaseThis link opens in a new windowReligion Database covers formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many, worldwide religions. It contains more than 260 journals, most of which are full-text. Many titles are from religious publishing