Theses & Dissertations
HBKU Theses
To locate theses/dissertations done by HBKU students, go to Dissertations & Theses @ Hamad Bin Khalifa University and search by keywords.
To search by advisor:
- Click on Advanced Search.
- Scroll down, next to Advisor, click on "Look up Advisor".
- Type the name of the advisor and click on Find.
- Select all relevant name variations, then click on "Add to Search".
You may scroll back up to the top of the page and add relevant keywords to complete your search. You may also search by keywords, title, author, and/or subject (Under Subject Heading, click on "Look up Subjects" and select all the subjects of your choice (all together, then, when all subjects are selected (checkbox ticked) click on "Add to Search").
- Click on Search.
To search by student:
- Click on Advanced Search.
- Select "AUTHOR" from the drop down menu on the top right side of the first search bar.
- Type the name of the student and search.
If you wish to look for theses and dissertations by other universities, you may use the same database and do a general search without specifying the institution. You may also refer to the Open Access Theses and Dissertations database.
You may also look for more theses and dissertations through other HBKU Library databases and/or via Qatar National Library.